Will there be a pay rise? Here are the survey results

How much did your organisation increase wages in the first half of the year? Do you plan to pay any compensation in the next two months? This is one of the questions HR Portal asked its readers in its July online survey.

The answers on this year's pay rises show that 28% of companies had a basic pay rise in the range of 6-10%. 27 percent of respondents increased their employees' salaries between 11 and 15 percent. Only 8 percent of respondents increased their salaries above 15 percent. A more significant loss in real wages was recorded among workers who had no pay increase (25%) or only in the 1-5% range (10%).

In July, it appeared that very few workers could hope for a wage increase in the coming months.When asked if they planned to raise their pay in the next two months, 57 percent said no, while 26 percent could not say. A basic wage increase was predicted by 10 percent, a one-off payment...

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